Frequently Asked Questions


Yes. We workclosely with employers, companies, super funds and financial advisers to create tailored insurance policies to suit the needs of employees, members and clients.

We offer a range of waiting periods on our Income Protection policies. Standard waiting periods range from 30 days up to 2 years.

Depending on your needs, you may be able to select a different waiting period for your Group, Corporate or Retail policy.

We offer a range of benefit periods on our Income Protection policies. Standard benefit periods range from 1 year through to age 65.

Depending on your needs, you may be able to select a different benefit period for your Group, Corporate or Retail policy.

If you’re planning on travelling when you first apply for cover, some restrictions and exclusions may apply (e.g., sanctions restrictions). But once your cover is accepted, you’re generally covered 24 hours a day wherever you are in the world.

For more information, please call us on 1300 555 625.

Once your policy is in force, we’ll continue to provide cover under your policy even if there is a change to your health, provided you pay your premiums on time and there has not been a failure to disclose or a misrepresentation of your health or health history.

If you’re applying for new cover, or increasing the cover you already have, you may need to tell us about any change in your health or financial circumstances. We’ll then take this into account when assessing your application.

As a MetLife policyholder, you also have access to MetLife 360Health at no extra cost.

MetLife 360Health provides access to health and wellbeing information, services and support to help you so you live healthier for longer, and you do not need to make a claim to access MetLife 360Health.

For more information, please call us on 1300 555 625 or speak to your financial adviser.

You can nominate up to five people to receive your death benefit if you die.

To nominate a beneficiary, go to the Forms page, and download the Nomination of Beneficiaries form.

If you need to make a claim, please call 1800 221 599 and our team will guide you through the process.

Please visit our Claims page for more information.

Retail Life Insurance

Retail Life Insurance provides comprehensive individual Life Insurance customised for the life insured.

 It generally provides a benefit for:

  • Death;
  • Terminal illness;
  • Total and permanent disability;
  • Specified trauma conditions; or
  • Income Protection (temporary disability).

This insurance can only be provided through a financial adviser who would be able to help you to consider your options and assist with deciding on the cover that is appropriate for your needs.

To get a quote for a MetLife Protect and/or MetLife Protect Super policy, see your financial adviser.

If you don't have a financial adviser, we can help you find one. Click here and we’ll connect you to a financial adviser near you.

Generally, premiums aren’t tax deductible. But if the insurance is for business purposes, like key person revenue insurance, or replaces personal income, like Income Protection insurance, then a tax deduction may apply. Where the policy is issued to a complying self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF), insurance premiums are usually tax deductible as an expense of the SMSF.

Remember, tax can be complex, and will depend on your personal situation. So, we recommend seeking professional advice.

Yes, you can alter your insurance cover to cater to your changing needs. Where a change results in increase in the risk that we hold, such as an increase or addition of a new cover, we may need you to give us more information, like your medical or financial details. We’ll only ask for the information we need to help us make a decision about your cover.

Please contact your financial adviser to alter your insurance cover or call us on 1800 523 523.

No, MetLife Protect and MetLife Protect Super does not insure more than one life under a policy. You can hold separate policies for yourself, and your partner and you will be eligible to receive additional discounts.

You can authorise your partner to get information about your policy, by writing to us to let us know.

But if you want them to be able to make changes to your policy, they’ll need to have a Power of Attorney. If this is something you are considering, we recommend seeking professional advice.

Your policy document is an important document, so we recommend you keep it safe. But if you do lose it, you can generally replace it by completing a Statutory Declaration and requesting a replacement from us.

For more information, contact your financial adviser or call us on 1800 523 523.

‘Guarantee of upgrade’ simply means that, if we enhance our products in the future in any way which don’t result in a premium rate increase, we’ll automatically upgrade your cover to match – starting from the next policy renewal date. That means that as things change, you’ll never be left behind.

For more information, please contact your financial adviser or call us on 1800 523 523.

We understand that sometimes payments are late. But if we haven’t received your premium within a certain specified period of when it was due, your insurance cover may lapse. We will remind you when your premium becomes outstanding before your policy is cancelled.

We may choose to reinstate your cover once any outstanding premiums are paid. In these cases, you may also need to complete a reinstatement form.

Having said that, we want our customers to continue to enjoy the security that quality life insurance brings. So, if you’re having difficulty meeting your premium payments, please contact your financial adviser or call us on 1800 523 523. We can work together to find a solution or payment option that better suits your needs.

If you decide that the policy isn’t right for you, you can cancel it during the cooling off period, and we’ll refund the full premium to you (provided you have not made a claim). But, if you cancel after the cooling off period ends, you’ll only get a refund for any premiums that have been paid in advance, for example, where premiums are paid yearly.

For more information, please contact your financial adviser or call us on 1800 523 523.

Yes, and there may even be tax advantages in doing so. The trustee can take out a Life Cover policy, with the option of Total and Permanent Disability cover – with premiums paid from the fund.

Remember taxation and superannuation can be very complex topics, so we recommend you seek professional advice.

We’d love to help, but we transferred all our allocated pension, annuity and superannuation business to Challenger in 2007.

Unless you elected to have MetLife continue to administer your policy, Challenger is responsible for the administration of that policy. You will need to get in touch with them directly with any enquiries.

If you opted to have MetLife continue to administer your policy, we will still be able to help. Please call 1300 555 625 to find out more.

If you’re unable to work due to sickness or injury Income Protection insurance provides a replacement income to cover a proportion of your lost income.

Generally, Income Protection covers up to 70% of an individual's pre-disability income (with an option to cover up to an additional 15% to replace superannuation contributions) due to sickness or injury (as defined in the insurance policy).

No. Income Protection is only in instances of sickness or injury as defined in your policy.

While we try to protect you from unexpected breaks in your income, Income Protection insurance won’t pay a benefit if you’re made redundant from your job.

Yes. If your business relies on the wellbeing of other people, key person cover can help protect the business if things go wrong.

So, if a partner or director dies, suffers total and permanent disability or a specified trauma condition, the business has some extra funds at hand, to help it through this challenging time.

For more information on this type of cover, please contact your financial adviser or call us on 1800 523 523.

Group Life Insurance

Group insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides cover to a group of people. Typically, the individuals in the group are:

  • Members of the same superannuation fund.
  • Employees of the same company.

Group insurance can provide important protection for the individuals in the group, sometimes at a lower cost than they could obtain for themselves.

Group insurance can also add value to an employer's employee benefits program or allow superannuation funds to provide competitive insurance to their members.

Group Insurance is often referred to in the market as institutional insurance.

Group life insurance provides insurance cover for a group of people under a single policy. It generally provides a benefit for:

  • Death
  • Terminal illness
  • Total and permanent disability

Group life insurance can provide a lump sum benefit for individuals and their families to help them through a difficult time.

A group insurance policy must have at least 50 members.

Automatic acceptance is where members in a group are automatically provided with a certain level of insurance cover, without them having to be individually assessed. There’s a maximum that applies for the policy, and members need to meet some criteria, like being in active employment.

The automatic acceptance limit is set at the policy level, and depends on the size of the plan, the benefit structure and the eligibility criteria. We’ll let you know what this limit is when we provide you with a quote on your group insurance policy.

To find out how much it would cost to set up a group policy, contact a Business Development Manager on 1300 555 625 or email auinstitutional@metlife.com

The minimum annual premium for group insurance is $10,000.

Generally, all benefits are paid to the policy owner – not the individual members of the group. However, the policy owner is generally responsible for passing on a benefit to the relevant member.

The exception is for Income Protection benefits — if the policy owner asks us to, we may pay the benefit directly to the individual member.